Have you noticed how rental or for-sale property listings are scattered across many different websites? We did, too, and we've created a platform where all listings found on the internet are gathered in one place with the help of artificial intelligence robots!

We've noticed that there are businesses looking to motivate their employees and increase their loyalty. That's why we've created a technological marvel—a product that enables companies to conduct individualized performance evaluations accessible to all employees and offers gifts, discounts, and opportunities whether on an individual or all company basis.

What makes a great mobile game? A seamless and crash-free gameplay experience, a rewarding system that motivates players, multiplayer modes to trigger competitive spirit, and of course, a well-thought-out game economy that drives revenue. All of these are available on Fooq! With tens of thousands of users worldwide having a blast on Fooq with zero bugs.

We've approached the logistics field with an innovative and technological perspective, optimizing processes to their most efficient with our expertise. Our system seamlessly integrates with every platform and device, adapting itself to the customer's needs and providing the most suitable solution, thus eliminating time and labor losses in logistics processes.